Workplace Communication
What is communication? Let’s go back to basics.
What we mean by communication?
Communication is simply the act of creating, transferring views, ideas, facts, feelings from one person to another person or group of people. It’s a simple answer, but there’s a lot more to it.
A person may be highly qualified and / or skilled but if he does not possess good communications skills, all his / her abilities become irrelevant.
Importance of Communication :
Be it social life or in professional life, if you possess good communication skill you can win anything. Especially project we are into, if we are not
1. The Basis of Co-ordination
2. Fluent Working
3. The Basis of Decision Making
4. Increases Managerial Efficiency
5. Increases Cooperation and Organizational Peace
6. Boosts Morale of the Employees
What is workplace Communication?
Workplace communication defines the exchange of information between team members, between two teams, support vendor and customer in an organization. It can take many different forms.
There are three main types:
Written communication
Verbal communication
Non-verbal communication
Some common ways of communicating in the workplace include:
Written communication:
You all know what an Email is. Email communication can be defined as the exchange of short informational messages between at least two people over a computer network through email web-based services like Outlook, Lotus Notes etc. However, there are some good number of points that one needs to understand on this Email.
Below are the things to be kept in mind when you write an email
Verbal Communication:
All types of communication have their own purpose and all of them are importance. Verbal and written communication transmit knowledge, initiate requests, and get things done. Non-verbal communication, however, is equally important. Non-verbal communication and active listening supports workplace culture, enhances relationships, and boosts the effectiveness of employees and their entire teams. We’ve all had those conversations where the other person isn’t looking at you and doesn’t seem to be listening. Non-verbal communication is vital for ensuring people feel heard.
Why is effective communication so important?
As a manager, I should help and build teams who can communicate well within teams as well as within customer and/or incumbent vendor team. Building good communication skills has profound short- and long-term benefits for you and your team and your organization. An effective communicator is able to motivate their team to get the work done efficiently with better results and fewer misunderstandings. And who doesn’t want fewer misunderstandings isn’t it?
So, let's see how we can be effective in the above mentioned ways of communication.
To make In person meetings effective one needs to set up Outlook meeting invite on the agreed date and time. Make sure you do the reservation of meeting rooms well in advance and isert the room details like room name or number Floor etc. in meeting invite. Also make sure the capacity of the room enough for all the invitees to sit.
Set out clear cut agenda in the meeting invite and if needed please take the print out the agenda while going to the meeting room before the meeting.
Special care needs to be given the reservation of room should be for some additional time as always face to face meetings get extended. So to avoid next meeting organizer have to be given the room on time
2. Video Conferencing
As usual you can set up the meeting invite with the url for video conference.
If external stakeholders are participating then one needs to make sure you have wear as per the office dress code policy.
Make sure you are using headsets and system settings are properly adjusted and included in the meeting invite clearly spelling out system requirements for video conference
It's always advisable to start the video call 5 minute before the meeting starts. It will mitigate the risk of avoiding technical issues which usually crop up during video conference calls
Apart from the above preperations below are the points also to make the communication complete and meetings to be effective.
Pronunciation is the way in which a word is uttered. This may refer to generally agreed-upon sequences of sounds used in speaking a given word in a specific dialect.
When I was new in this account. There was a lady called Jan Long. One day Rohan our SMO chief invited me to a discussion with her on Job Monitoring along with Christine. It was my first interaction and never knew them earlier. I pronounced Jan as Yan as I thought she must be from Germany or around countries. Actually Jan is pronounced in UK as Jan(J for Jug). Yan is also correct if the person belong to Schengen countries.
Learning and obeying all the rules of grammar will not automatically give excellence to your speech or pronunciation. Correct pronunciation requires the proper sounding of the letters and combination of letters in a word and the correct placing of the stress or accent in words of more than one syllable. While pronouncing properly we have to know that at times not all words are pronounced, some are silent so we have to omit their sounds to give proper value to letters that are sounded.
To be understood in any language, for that matter, pronunciation is important. Language becomes incomprehensible if the pronunciation of words is incorrect. False and wrong pronunciation can be a cause for laughter or embarrassment. For example, if snacks is pronounced as snakes; it sounds funny and dismissed as lack of knowledge but if English is pronounced as englees, ship as sip, school as escool and biscuit as biscoot; is unpardonable! There are many more examples of such mispronunciation. Someone could misunderstand the statement and a simple situation may blow dangerously out of proportion.
Below are The (International) Radiotelephony Spelling Alphabet, commonly known as the NATO phonetic alphabet is the most widely used radiotelephone spelling alphabet. These will help you especially when you are on audio call and let's say you are dealing with different culture or different language speaking stakeholders
A - Alfa, B - Bravo, C - Charlie, D - Delta, E - Echo, F - Foxtrot, G - Golf, H. - Hotel, I - India, J - Juliett, K - Kilo, L - Lima, M - Mike, N - November, O - Oscar, P - Papa, Q - Quebec, R - Romeo, S - Sierra, T - Tango, I - Uniform, V - Victor, W - Whiskey, X - X-ray, Y - Yankee, Z - Zulu.
Hope above write up help you for your workplace Communication to interact with both internal and external team members.
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